Monday, June 25, 2012
A Truly Odd Coupling
Yes, it seems a bit strange, but considering these were two of Paramount's biggest money makers in 1968, this double bill does seem quite fitting.
Damn, I wish I was around during that time to catch this!
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
The Movie Tie-In Project Strikes Again!
First off...
Nathan Fillion appeared on the cover of last weekend's issue of Parade Magazine (June 10, 2012), holding up a copy of the Bantam movie tie-in for Peter Benchley's JAWS (complete with the "Now a spectacular motion picture from Universal" stamp on the cover). In the article he discusses his love for books in their true form and digitized counterparts, but the important thing is that he is touting JAWS.
Anyhow, that article/cover coincides nicely with the latest contribution to my on-going Movie Tie-In Project, the seventh slideshow installment.
Lotsa Paul Newman fare in this edition, along with Robert Redford, Dustin Hoffman, Michael Douglas, Jack Nicholson, Roy Scheider, Arnold Schwarzenegger, William Goldman, Aliens, the BACK TO THE FUTURE trilogy, Batman, Billy Jack, Predator, WALKING TALL, Vic & Ramona and Shaft... John Shaft.
And, now, on with the show!
I've also set up one of them fancy YouTube playlists featuring all seven installments in sequential order (with future editions added upon completion)...
Tuesday, June 05, 2012
I haven't been on here in... AGES!
And, this is my first post in a long time. Well, I'm back.
First of all, I'm not really interested in seeing ROCK OF AGES, but being a stickler for detail and a life-long KISS fan, I can't not make mention of the tremendous faux pas which is in plain view on the theatrical poster. My guess is that Alec Baldwin's character is not a time traveler and if this is a period film which takes place in 1987, then why is he sporting a KISS tee from their Alive Worldwide/Reunion tour of 1996?!
Lazy, folks.
To add insult to injury, Russell Brand is in the film!
That is all.
Time for some gripe water...