Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Family Movie Night

"Hey, kids! Who wants some hot buttered popcorn?!"

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Another Movie Tie-In Project: Odds 'n' Sods

Quite enough time has passed since the last tie-in entry and I'm due for a fifth installment of the video series, so here it is...

Yet another collection of movie tie-ins in the form of paperback books, magazines, movie programs, comic book adaptations, screenplays, retrospectives and more. (Lots of Star Trek, James Bond and Star Wars in this one ...with a dash of Lucio Fulci.)


Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Kintner Prunes

Without a doubt, I absolutely love me some JAWS and I'm a sucker for all the lovingly inspired knock-offs from that era. Having just discovered another fan made JAWS homage (shot in splendid Super 8mm) on YouTube, I figured it was time to make a post to showcase that film along with another which is currently available on the site.

First up, is a Swedish take on the formula from Nässjö Filmverkstad entitled HAJEN...

And, on the same glorious program...
A rather enjoyable offering from Frank Wied entitled SHARK...

Speaking of JAWS on Super 8, here's another great find...
(Dig that terrific Universal 8 logo!)

Want a pretzel?